Creating a Growth Culture to Drive Exceptional Results

Jonathan H. Westover, Ph.D.
4 min readNov 20, 2020

Years ago, I found myself in a toxic organization with toxic leadership — and they didn’t have a clue.

I was a newly minted graduate, master’s degree in hand, in a prestigious management trainee position in a large corporation. I had the opportunity to spend time in each operational and functional area of the organization before taking over leadership of my own team. Initially, I was very excited for this new role. It was challenging, and I was learning new things every day. Furthermore, I was developing relationships with key individuals throughout the organization, and I figured this would bear fruit later as I worked to build my young career at this organization.

Start with a growth culture, not a performance culture.

Relatively quickly in my rotations, I experienced many dysfunctional behaviors in the various divisions and teams in which I worked. While the organization prided itself on fostering what it deemed to be a high-performance work culture, what I actually witnessed was extremely unhealthy and disruptive competition — teams undermining each other to make themselves look better, micromanaging and over-the-top employee monitoring to drive efficiency, and even full-fledged employee exploitation to achieve goals at all costs. All of this was done in the name of accountability and results, but as performance dipped, the company’s leadership put more and more blame on the “lazy” and “disengaged” employees, and it became a rather predictable downward spiral.

Despite the organization’s intentions to drive higher performance and results (which is a good goal), what its leadership actually created was a fear-based culture that led to protectionism, lower risk-taking and innovation, higher employee burnout and turnover, and ultimately poorer performance. I chose not to stick around — one of the easiest professional choices I ever made. Here’s how other companies can avoid that same fate.

In a Harvard Business Review article on creating a growth culture, author Tony Schwartz argues that, counterintuitively, “building a culture focused on performance may not be the best, healthiest, or most sustainable way to fuel results. Instead, it may be more effective to focus on creating a culture of growth.” He then outlines four organizational elements required to develop a growth culture that produces results: a safe environment, continuous learning, manageable experiments and continuous feedback. In essence, he is arguing for an organization that rewards appropriate risk-taking to drive innovation, and one in which everyone is always coaching and learning from each other.

Lead with a growth mindset.

What the most successful organizational leaders have long understood is that focusing on performance first often results in employees feeling overwhelmed, unsupported and even exploited. This, in turn, leads to worse individual, team and organizational outcomes, not better. While performance-based pressure can produce some better results in the short term, these fear-based short-term bursts of increased productivity are not sustainable, and over time employees will disengage and performance will decline.

Remember the four elements.

On the flip side, when leaders help their people to feel supported and empowered and provide them with the resources they need to succeed, focusing first on growth and continual learning, employees will tap into their intrinsic motivations, find more meaning and purpose in their work, be more engaged and more committed to the organization, and be more likely to sustainably thrive and produce exceptional results.

I’ve previously discussed the importance of leading with a growth mindset. When we adopt a growth mindset in our own leadership style and consistently model a growth approach when working with our people, we can create a safe place for everyone to expose and address their vulnerabilities. After all, we all have gaps in our understanding, skills and capabilities. Sometimes we don’t openly address those gaps at work if we are afraid of being “found out” or exposed. This can lead to many unhealthy workplace behaviors, such as information hoarding or dysfunctional competition, which ultimately undermine organizational performance. However, with a growth approach, consistently modeled by organizational leadership, we begin to see our gaps and limitations as developmental opportunities, rather than obstacles to be avoided. As we address those areas, work collaboratively across functional silos and see our work as iterative experimentation to further learn and grow, we will collectively drive greater, more sustainable personal and organizational success.

While perhaps counterintuitive, creating an organizational culture of growth first is the key to helping our people maximize their performance potential. We need to create an organizational culture where our people feel it is safe to be vulnerable and take appropriate risks. Where everyone is committed to continuous learning and personal and team development. Where we regularly experiment, falling forward and failing fast. And where continuous feedback loops are embedded throughout the organization, reinforcing our continuous learning and growth culture. When organizational leaders focus on these four elements, coupled with an inward commitment to provide a consistent example of growth mindset, our people will thrive, and we will create a sustainable growth culture that will lead to far greater innovation, performance and results than we could ever hope to accomplish by just focusing on performance and results alone.

Originally published at



Jonathan H. Westover, Ph.D.

OD & Change Management Consultant (Human Capital Innovations); Professor/Chair, Organizational Leadership (UVU), Social Impact & Innovation Guru